Myrsky Energia is a life cycle company. We accom­pany our part­ners from begin­ning to end on our renewable energy projects.

Finland has excel­lent prerequi­sites for wind power, thanks to our geograp­hical loca­tion and particu­larly the depres­sions carried from the Atlantic. Solar panels also perform well in our climate.

As a Finnish energy company Myrsky Energia is specia­lized in domestic renewable energy, which provides great oppor­tu­ni­ties for crea­ting new compe­tence, industry and economic pros­pe­rity.

Finland is committed to work towards a sustai­nable, climate-neutral society. One of our shared objec­tives is to increase the use of energy from non-fossil sources, otherwise known as renewable energy, so that the share of that renewable energy rises to over fifty percent of total consump­tion in the 2020s. Read more about Finland’s energy and climate plans from the website for the Mini­stry of Economic Affairs and Emplo­y­ment of Finland.

The foun­da­tions of domestic renewable energy produc­tion are created by major projects, the economic bene­fits of which extend across the country. Wind and solar projects gene­rate rental income for landow­ners and property tax revenue for munici­pa­li­ties and cities. In addi­tion, they vita­lize local busi­ness, especially during the construc­tion and produc­tion stages of the projects. They also strengthen regional econo­mies and promote emplo­y­ment in a wide range of sectors.

Renewable energy is an oppor­tu­nity for Finland and an impor­tant field of the future – here at Myrsky we know we are crea­ting one of our country’s next success factors.


Myrsky Energia is a life cycle company. That means we are respon­sible for the projects from begin­ning to end. In addi­tion to plan­ning and permit­ting, Myrsky also constructs the plants and produces the elect­ricity – and takes care of the decon­struc­tion and recycling after the plants have reached the end of their opera­tion.

For us at Myrsky the most impor­tant thing is opera­ting inde­pen­dently, while suppor­ting our part­ners all the way from the plan­ning stages to the decades-long energy produc­tion process and beyond. As a lifecycle company, Myrsky Energia provides an exten­sive value chain, which offers fair and long-lasting bene­fits for all part­ners involved.

Myrsky has vast expe­rience and exper­tise. Wide ranging colla­bo­ra­tion is vital for us not only to enable the construc­tion and produc­tion of renewable energy, but also to bring bene­fits across the country. We want to work in a way that achieves the best possible outcome for everyone: from the landow­ners, the munici­pa­li­ties and their resi­dents and from Finland to the whole world and our shared climate.

6 excel­lent reasons for construc­ting wind and solar power

1. You can count on renewable energy far into the future. For example, solar and wind power are avai­lable in near unli­mited quan­ti­ties – when used sustai­nably, they do not dimi­nish from the world.

2. Renewable energy produc­tion is an impor­tant step towards a more sustai­nable future as it reduces fossil fuel usage and thus slows down climate change.

3. Renewable energy will enable Finland’s energy produc­tion to become increa­singly self-sufficient, which also improves the secu­rity of supply of our energy produc­tion.

4. Renewable energy projects bring munici­pa­li­ties tax revenue, which can be used to develop local services and improve local condi­tions – bene­fi­ting all resi­dents.

5. Renewable energy projects provide landow­ners with rental income for decades. The return from wind farms can be better for the landowner than the return from fore­stry on the same land would be.

6. Renewable energy projects create jobs in a wide range of sectors, cont­ri­bu­ting to the local economy and the well­being of nearby commu­ni­ties.


Finland has excel­lent poten­tial to be among the top count­ries in the world in the produc­tion and refi­ning of renewable energy. So jump on board and seize oppor­tu­nity in the best spot for renewable energy.