Myrsky harnesses the forces of nature. We work to make a diffe­rence locally, natio­nally and globally.

We respect, value and safe­guard our unique and vulne­rable nature in all its forms, and with that as a guiding principle monitor the entire lifecycle of renewable energy produc­tion. We do not choose paths that call into ques­tion our ethical and respon­sible way of opera­ting, as we believe that nature and renewable energy projects are compa­tible.


Myrsky chal­lenges conven­tions and boldly seeks and promotes effec­tive and sustai­nable solu­tions for energy produc­tion.

At Myrsky, we take respon­si­bi­lity and believe in a better future. We know our society needs much more elect­ricity gene­rated from renewable sources and the refi­ning of that elect­ricity – a chal­lenge that we have taken up together with our part­ners.

Co-opera­tion, local invol­ve­ment and respect for nature already guide our work. In addi­tion, we see even more ambi­tious sustai­na­bi­lity targets on the horizon. We are currently drawing the guide­lines for our sustai­na­bi­lity program, in which we want to set the bar a little higher than others have.

In addi­tion to these big goals, to us, sustai­na­bi­lity is also about small, everyday actions. We do not work at the expense of nature, but with respect towards it.