At Myrsky, we take respon­si­bi­lity and believe in a brighter future. Our sustai­na­bi­lity program and roadmap guide our journey.

Sustai­na­bi­lity is at the core of Myrsky’s stra­tegy. We’re working toward a brighter future with the power of wind and sun. We believe that renewable energy can coexist in harmony with nature and commu­ni­ties.

Myrsky’s 2025–2028 sustai­na­bi­lity program sets both long- and short-term goals. For us, respon­sible wind and solar energy isn’t just about big targets and deve­lop­ment projects — it’s also about small, everyday actions that our entire staff takes part in.

Co-opera­tion, local invol­ve­ment and respect for nature guide our work. These principles are also deeply embedded in our sustai­na­bi­lity efforts, where we care­fully consider the economic, social, and envi­ron­mental impacts of our work.

Our program is built on a double mate­ria­lity analysis, where we assess the direct and indi­rect impacts of our company and renewable energy projects on both the envi­ron­ment and society.


Our sustai­na­bi­lity program is built around five key themes.


  • We unders­tand and antici­pate the impacts of climate change.
  • We signi­ficantly increases renewable energy produc­tion in Finland.
  • We iden­tify emis­sions across our entire value chain.
  • Our goal is to operate with low emis­sions.


  • We inte­grate envi­ron­mental values into our busi­ness opera­tions.
  • We strive for a net-posi­tive impact on nature.
  • We develop project-specific assess­ments and plans to enhance biodi­ver­sity in project areas.
  • Our goal is sustai­nable land use.
  • We promote circular economy and aim for resource-efficient use of mate­rials.

Uphol­ding the values of Myrsky

  • We listen to our emplo­yees.
  • We create a great workplace for every Myrsky team member and support profes­sional growth.
  • We promote equa­lity, diver­sity, and fair­ness.

Together we succeed

  • We are a good neighbor and a local partner.
  • We engage in active dialogue in the project areas.
  • We create jobs and support sustai­nable local live­li­hood.

Doing the right thing

  • We uphold and promote an ethical corpo­rate culture and good gover­nance.
  • We ensure sustai­nable economic growth.
  • We build part­ners­hips based on trust, trans­pa­rency, and respon­si­bi­lity.
  • We iden­tify and miti­gate risks.