
Our vision is a better tomorrow with the power of the sun and wind in our sails. Our objec­tive is to grow into a major energy company in Finland. Coope­ra­tion, local invol­ve­ment and respect for nature guide Myrsky’s work.


We believe that success is built through coope­ra­tion. At Myrsky we work closely with our part­ners and always strive to find the best solu­tion for all parties involved. Our mission is to deliver meaningful social impact and culti­vate trust. As a life cycle company Myrsky provides an exten­sive value chain, which offers fair and long-lasting bene­fits for all part­ners involved.


Our opera­tions are based on local invol­ve­ment, a strong can-do atti­tude and connec­ting with people. We foster Finnish exper­tise in renewable energy and strengthen local vita­lity by crea­ting jobs and emplo­ying both our own team and local profes­sio­nals. We stay involved in projects all the way until the decon­struc­tion and possible recon­struc­tion of the power plants. This is the best way for us to ensure conti­nuous local invol­ve­ment and coope­ra­tion from begin­ning to end on projects.

Harnessing the forces of nature

Our mission is to produce domestic renewable energy. We respect, value and safe­guard our unique and vulne­rable nature in all its forms, and with that as a guiding principle monitor the entire life cycle of renewable energy produc­tion. We do not choose paths that call into ques­tion our ethical and respon­sible way of opera­ting, as we believe that nature and renewable energy projects are compa­tible.  


Tuomas Candelin-Palm­qvist and the Korpi Capital founded Myrsky in the summer of 2020. Company’s foun­ders and first emplo­yees have played a central role in wind power projects for nearly the entire history of Finnish commercial wind power produc­tion.

Tuomas, who chairs the board, has more than a decade of expe­rience deve­lo­ping, buil­ding and opera­ting wind power projects. Ever since the begin­ning the mission of Korpi Capital has been to provide Myrsky with the backing required to create the foun­da­tions for profi­table growth.

In 2021, Myrsky entered a part­nership with Ålandsbanken’s wind power fund. In the spring of 2023, the world’s largest renewable energy-exclusive mana­ge­ment company, the Danish Copen­hangen Infra­struc­ture Part­ners (CIP), joined to become a partner of Myrsky.