
Myrsky’s sister company specia­lizes in the further proces­sing of elect­ricity gene­rated from wind and solar power.

Elekt­ro­ni­tehdas, or eTehdas, is a Finnish power refi­ning company founded in 2023, that co-operates with Myrsky to create a renewable elect­ricity value chain. Together we have a strong unders­tan­ding of what it takes to succeed in the produc­tion of renewable elect­ricity and elect­ricity-based products.

eTehdas is currently mapping areas for hydrogen produc­tion and further proces­sing, as well as industrial scale elect­ricity storage. The objec­tive of eTehdas is to create signi­ficant invest­ments in Finland by 2030.


Renewable elect­ricity can be used in sustai­nable and low emis­sion hydrogen produc­tion. Hydrogen can be used as such or utilized to produce valuable products such as fuels, chemicals, ferti­lizers or steel. Doing so enables harnessing wind and solar energy to reduce emis­sions of exis­ting opera­tions, such as trans­port and agricul­ture, or to create enti­rely new sustai­nable busi­ness, such as the produc­tion of fossil free steel. Addi­tio­nally, renewable elect­ricity can be stored, which enables its use for ancil­lary services in the power system.

Finland has excel­lent precon­di­tions for being a front-runner in the produc­tion of renewable elect­ricity and in deve­lo­ping a sustai­nable energy economy globally. The neces­sary engi­nee­ring know-how exists in Finland, and there is ample windy and sunny space avai­lable, as well as good access to clean water. Our stable bedrock is great to build upon, and our trans­port connec­tions are excel­lent on both sea and land.

Learn more on eTehdas.