Myrsky Energia has wind and solar power projects across Finland.
Wind and solar power projects mapped

Myrsky has over 50 projects around Finland. There are currently 32 projects that have reached the planning and permitting phase, with several more on the way. We have 24 wind power projects, five solar power projects, and three hybrid projects that combine solar and wind power generation.
- Tornio, Martimo
- Tornio, Vinsanmaa
- Tervola, Kuorinki
- Tervola, Vitsakangas
- Tervola, Pitkämaa
- Simo, Leilisuo
- Ii, Talvisuo
- Tornio, Haapamaa
- Rovaniemi, Lamuri
- Ylitornio, Kontiovaara
- Ylitornio, Harjunkorpi
Wind power project
Solar power project
Hybrid project
- Siikalatva, Piippola
- Kärsämäki, Riitamaa
- Pyhäntä, Pilpankangas
- Pyhäjärvi, Nurmesneva
- Kiuruvesi, Kaikonsuo
- Pihtipudas, Uusimo
- Kinnula, Pekanräme
- Kyyjärvi, Kämppäkangas
- Saarijärvi, Hilloneva
- Konnevesi, Miilukangas
- Kuhmoinen, Karijärvi
- Kokemäki, Takajärvi
- Säkylä ja Kokemäki, Ruotanansuo
- Huittinen, Lintukangas
- Hattula, Niinimäki
- Luumäki, Suurikangas
- Lappeenranta, Raippo
- Utajärvi, Ahmas
- Liminka, Jauranneva
- Kirkkonummi, Strömsby
Wind power project
Solar power project
Hybrid project
In addition to the projects presented on the map, our project development team is working on a number of other wind and solar projects that have not yet reached the planning stage.

The phases of renewable energy project
There are several phases in a renewable energy project, before the construction of the power plant site and production of electricity can begin. We divide our projects into three phases: The planning and permitting phase, the construction phase and the production phase.