We’re glad you found us! Myrsky is the ideal workplace for an energy profes­sional. Here you get to work and develop your skills along­side top energy industry profes­sio­nals. We are also a Great Place to Work certi­fied company.

You will defi­ni­tely enjoy working at Myrsky, if you’re moti­vated by a clear sense of direc­tion and purpose. We expect Myrsky emplo­yees to have a conti­nuous desire to increase their compe­tence and grow together with their collea­gues by sharing what they learn. We foster a safe work envi­ron­ment and work to earn the trust of the people we employ.

We are human. It is impor­tant to us that everyone is treated equally. We want to invest in the well­being of our emplo­yees and ensure a good balance between work and personal life. We also place particular emphasis on teamwork and team spirit. No one is left alone in the storm.

Myrsky employs over 50 profes­sio­nals, and our offices are located around Finland. Some of our emplo­yees live and work in small rural areas, some in cities and growth centers. What we have in common are our daily efforts for a more sustai­nable future. 

At Myrsky know­ledge and emotions intertwine. But although the name of the company trans­lates to storm, Myrsky is not a chaotic work envi­ron­ment. Our feet are planted firmly on the ground, but we have a passio­nate and ambi­tious outlook on our work. Huma­ne­ness is our shared asset, and we dare to be a posi­tive solu­tion to the chal­lenges of the future.

In a commu­nity formed by Myrsky’s profes­sio­nals, you can be proud of your­self and what we do: promo­ting green tran­si­tion and reducing fossil energy depen­dence for the benefit of Finland and the world at large. Truly meaningful work at a growing company, new lear­ning and many oppor­tu­ni­ties await you. If you also think on a global scale, you’re in the right company at Myrsky.

Myrsky has been officially recog­nized as a great workplace, achie­ving outs­tan­ding results in our first Great Place to Work employee survey in the fall of 2024. Accor­ding to the survey, our overall employee satis­fac­tion (Trust Index) is an impres­sive 90 percent. Furt­her­more, 96 percent of our emplo­yees consider Myrsky to be an excel­lent workplace. For us, the Great Place to Work certi­fica­tion is a recog­ni­tion of our excep­tional employee expe­rience, trust-based company culture, and our commit­ment to buil­ding a great workplace – all of which we are dedicated to further deve­lo­ping and strengt­he­ning.   

Open posi­tions

If you want to join Myrsky, but we haven’t yet recog­nized we need your type of exper­tise, you can also leave us an open applica­tion.

Send your open applica­tion with a CV to the following address:

We will contact you if we find a suitable posi­tion for you within the period of your applica­tion. Our privacy policy allows us to keep your applica­tion file for six months at a time. Your infor­ma­tion will always be treated confi­den­tially in the recruit­ment process!